Bones bearings are renowned for their quality and design. Of the Bones Reds affordable to amazing Bones Swiss Original, Bones Bearings has a great selection for all skater needs.

Bones Bearings is a skateboard bearing company founded by George Powell in the early 80s. Their main product is ball bearings, but they also offer accessories, such as the BONES bearings cleaning kit and BONES speed cream, which help clean your bearings and give them many lives!

Bones Bearings started when George Powell saw skaters' need for faster bearings in the early 80s. After researching a good bearing manufacturer that would still be affordable for skaters, George found a manufacturer in Switzerland that had faster bearings than any they had at the time. He worked with them to design a bearing that would be ideal for skaters.

There are currently six different designs of bearings offered by Bones. Ranked in descending order starting with the best:

  • Bones Swiss Ceramics
  • Bones Swiss "L2"
  • Bones Super Swiss 6
  • Bones Swiss
  • Bones Ceramic Super Reds
  • Bones Super Reds
  • Bones Reds


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